Prof. Dr. Mochamad Bruri Triyono, M.Pd.

Status : Tenaga Pendidik

Prof. Dr. Mochamad Bruri Triyono, M.Pd. on Google Scholar

NIP : 195602161986031003
NIDN : 0016025606
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Agama : Islam
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Riwayat Pendidikan :

Unit Kerja
Fakultas Teknik
Jurusan :
Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
Golongan / Pangkat :
IV/d / Pembina Utama Madya
Jabatan :
Guru Besar
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Bidang Penelitian

Students' Employability Skills of Industrial Working Practices for Construction Drawing Engineering at the Engineering Education: Perspectives of Industries and Students of Vocational High Schools in Indonesia

File Bidang Penelitian :
Seminar Internasional Peran LPTK dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Vokasi di Indonesia
Seminar Nasional IX Pascasarjana - 2009 ITS Surabaya
International Conference VTET research and Networking 2010. Brunei Darusalam
Seminar Nasional Optimalisasi Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan Menuju Kemandirian Teknologi dan Generasi Bermartabat
Internasional Regional TVET Conference
Internasional The 3rd Sebelas Maret International Conference on Business, Economics and Sicial Sciences
International Symposium on the Transition from School to Work
Seminar Nasional Diseminasi Hasil-hasil Penelitian Tingkat Nasional
Seminar Internasional Strategi Peningkatan APK Perguruan Tinggi di Kalimantan Barat MelaluiL Tenaga Kependidikan, Peluang dan Tantangan di Era Globalisasi
Conference on Vocational Teacher Education-Vocational and Research as a Region Task and Challenge for the Eash and Southeast Asian Region. Tongji University, Sino -German Building, 50 Chifeng Rd. 200092 Shanghai, P.R. China
Model School Preneurship Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
20 oke cooperation between instries and education institutions for TVET In The Field of Heavy Equipment-
PR 3 Students\' Employability skills of industrial working practices for
Desain Instruksional Vokasi
pembelajaran e learing Pendidikan Vokasi
17 The Framework of Edupreneurshio Model Applied By Vocational High Schools in Indonesia
21 ALL Panduan Pengembangan Sumber Dana SMK
Pengembangan Isi Kurikulum Pendidikan Teknik Alat Berat Berbasis Kebutuhan Industri
Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan melalui Metode CLT SMK
Students\' Employability Skills of Industrial Working Practices for Construction Drawing Engineering at the Engineering Education_Perspectives of Industries and Students of Vocational High Schools in Indonesia